It is a well known fact that breastfeeding is the best option when feeding your baby. It is widely recommended by doctors and by mothers, though for some women breastfeeding is not an option. This can be down to physical or personal reasons, though whatever reason there are options when you just cannot breastfeed your baby.
The first thing to know when you realize you cannot breastfeed is that this does not make you a bad mother. There are many who claim that breastfeeding is best, but most people will understand if it is not an option for you. If they don't understand,replica watches, then it is important to remember that this is a personal decision and one that you should not feel guilty for. So long as you have put thought and consideration into all your options then you will be doing the right thing for you and your baby.
Before giving up completely it is worth getting some help and support to try some new methods that might help you and your baby. There is a lot of advice around on breastfeeding your baby but not everything works for everyone, so listen to other's advice but do not feel bad if it doesn't work out. Importantly, you should also get advice from a doctor who will tell you ways of holding the baby,christian louboutin, or methods using pumps, that may help.
If you are not producing enough milk to breastfeed your baby this can often be down to not getting help soon enough, so contact your doctor to discuss your issues. If your nipples are cracked and sore then you could try a mixture of breast and bottle feeding, but if this fails you will just need to stop breastfeeding. Sore nipples are not pleasant and you need to care for your own wellbeing. As a start you can try expressing milk and mix this with using formula, but this doesn't always work out for everyone.
If the problem is down to your baby refusing to feed then there are also methods to help. Firstly,nike kengat, you can try offering your baby the breast when your baby is asleep or is very tired. You can also try different feeding positions for your baby. Visit a doctor if you are worried about any underlying medical causes for the refusal. It is quite common for babies to refuse to be breastfed, so try not to worry too much and try to stick to your normal routine. In most cases the problem will work itself out with some patience and consideration of these methods,christian louboutin, and if not you may start to bottle feed your baby.
Once you have stopped breastfeeding there are methods you can use to help you continue to feel close with your baby at feeding time. Hold the baby close or use a pouch - anything you like so long as you and your baby are comfortable. There is no reason why you cannot bond with your baby in the normal, instinctive way just because you have stopped breastfeeding.